Building successful communitarianism: An economic application

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Building successful communitarianism: An economic application

แหล่งทุน :

Internal project

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รายละเอียด :

Building communitarianism is a strategic concept in community development, yet many factors determine its success. In this paper we aim to uncover some of the economic implications of communitarianism by applying both economic concepts and game theory. The paper also examines the behaviour of agents in building communitarianism including the role of the community’s leaders. From these analyses, recommendations are proposed for the building of successful communitarianism.

It was found that communitarianism is useful to achieve Pareto efficiency in a society without the need for monitoring the action of agents. With asymmetrically mutual responsibility, the community-oriented person would be depressed at receiving a lower benefit than the individually oriented person. The major task in building communitarianism is achieving incentive management to promote community-orientation since without incentive management there is a tendency towards individualism. To encourage a right incentive is to make people in the society experience more benefit from being mutually responsible and as a result they will in fact be more mutually responsible. When this occurs, communitarianism is finally achieved.